I bet the first thing you thought about when starting your brand strategy was to promote your business and thought that was enough. Well, this is not entirely true. The truth is that there are a lot of areas in your business, especially as it grows, that might need your attention. While a business strategy is extremely important, there are many other types of branding you can apply to your business for different purposes. I have gathered four examples to tell you about, in hopes to show you their benefits and inspire you to try them and grow your business even further!
1. Business Branding.
As I said before, this is probably the first thing you think about when you hear the word “branding”. It is what characterizes your whole business, and shows your clients what your values and mission are, and what your ideal customer looks like. When done correctly, the business branding will bring you the right people to buy your product and show the world what you do and why you do it. It is an intangible asset for all businesses, no matter how big or how small: branding allows your customers to recognise you, to build trust, and therefore to come back to buy more from you. In time, and as you grow, your brand, just that, will have monetary value that can continue to grow and even become your most valuable asset in your business!
2. Personal Branding.
With personal branding, you are thinking about how people see you, or what is your reputation. Whether your brand depends on it or not, the personal branding can be very beneficial for your business. It can help clients connect with you and trust you. Intentionally or not, everybody has a personal brand. People will always have opinions of us based on what they see or hear from others, so it is crucial that you brand yourself the way you want people to think of you. Developing your personal branding means giving your public persona a personality that matches your brand’s values and helps promote them.
3. Employer Branding.
This is important to show the people what it is like to work for you, rather than to invite an audience to buy for you. This could be important to help your business expand and hire the right type of people to work with you. Showcasing those who work with you and gathering their testimonials can influence others to choose you as their employer, as well as showing your audience and potential clients your values as a company. One good example of a remarkable employer branding campaign is that of Google, that proudly showcases their innovative and flexible work spaces, as well as their employee interviews posted regularly on their social media, exposing the thoughts of their employees in their respective roles in the company.
4. Product Branding.
It is the act of branding one specific product, as opposed to your whole business. Branding one single product or service can help tailoring its target audience and shine a light on it, highlighting and promoting it singularly. It differentiates between products you sell that may be similar, but that need separate campaigns to be promoted. Always within cohesion with your business’s brand, this works great with products that solve one specific need or that are intended for specific buyers.
There are more ways in which you can apply branding, but you may not need to use all of them in your business. These can work together to help you achieve different goals and move forwards with your business. The most important thing when considering what type of branding works best for you, is to have consistency and cohesion between everything you do. Even if you do not intend to or do not need to apply all of this to your branding strategy, being aware of them can help you be strategic and effective with what you do.
Which one of these do you think would apply best for your business? Do you know where to start? Do not be intimidated! We can help you with a 1-off consultancy to stir you into the right path and get you started with your branding!
